Marketing & Design Team Lead
From 2020 to 2021, I volunteered as Marketing and Design Team Lead for The Australian Boys Choir, working closely with the Artistic Director to contemporise the institute’s multi-channel marketing and communications strategy across social, email, and website channels. During this time, we grew a small team of dedicated volunteers to help produce marketing collateral and content to promote performances and keep the community engaged during Covid-19. It was a great experience working with a talented group of parents, and it also helped to surface the organisation’s hidden value.
Website redesign
In 2019 I joined a project to redesign The Australian Boys Choir website. I combined my digital and service design training to develop an experience that would support the organisation’s various services. I proposed an image-based design template to improve digital brand communications and develop valuable new tools to promote content, sell tickets and recruit new students.
Busy parents who prefer time-saving digital interactions received the website well; it proved an invaluable asset when the institute transitioned its services online during the recent Covid-19 lockdowns. In addition, I set up google analytics and webmaster tools to monitor and inform traffic patterns to help demonstrate the value of digital investment to attract, convert and retain customers to this remarkable musical community.

Austinato Magazine
In 2020 and 2021, the marketing team helped bring the Austinato magazine back to life. A group of talented parent writers and editors created the content. I worked with staff and the Artistic Director to layout content for the November 2020 and June 2021 print and digital magazines. Austinato magazine offers the community, alumni, and institute patrons’ an update on The Australian Boys Choir’s activities, achievements, and developments. The choir promoted the magazine through print and digital channels to encourage and develop long-term community relationships.